Claro, Christmas Magic
Set in the picturesque village of Chiquinquirá, Boyacá, this heartfelt commercial celebrates the magic of human connection and the spirit of Christmas. Every character in this story is a non professional actor (except for Robben our cute dog) from the local community, with our young protagonist lovingly chosen from a nearby school. The entire cast and crew brought the town to life, transforming everyday moments into a glowing tale of hope, light, and togetherness.
Director: Juan Gordon
Executive Producers: Jose Mafla & Angela M. Rodriguez
Ad: Cristian Laguna
Art: Edgar Beltran and his team
Lighting: Mono Villamizar and Sapo perros crew
Vestuario: Angie jimenez
Maquillaje: Alex Duarte
Rental: Congo Films
Animal wrangler: Wilson Villalobos
Post Dragonfly
Music: Diego Caceres
Produced by Zoofilms
Agency DDB
Client Claro
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